Rebuild Muni
The Transit future we need
We’re fighting for the public transit we need to get where we’re going.
Call on our city leaders to build the future of Muni!
To Mayor London Breed, San Francisco Board of Supervisors, and SFMTA:
Public transit is at the foundation of San Francisco’s economy, a key solution for our climate goals, and at the core of a more equitable, accessible, livable city.
If Muni is not there when people need and want it, if they can’t count on it for fast and reliable trips, or if they don’t understand what service exists, they will find other ways to get around.
Losing ridership will send us backwards in our work for equity and sustainability – it will also mean less revenue for Muni, creating more service cuts. This can start a transit death spiral where increasingly more riders abandon transit, further dropping revenues, leading to more cuts.
The vicious cycle hurts everyone, but especially people who have no other options to get around.
We call on our city leaders to take bold action to build the transit future we need:
Bring back all Muni lines
We need to be able to get around town – to jobs, to school, to go shopping, to see friends and family, to access open spaces, to access services.
San Francisco Transit Riders believes that restoring suspended Muni lines should be the baseline for any Muni service changes as we emerge from the pandemic. Learn more about our approach to service restoration.
Give Muni priority on the streets
This is the original meaning of San Francisco’s transit-first policy – to prioritize space on our streets for public transit. Transit-only lanes keep Muni out of traffic, so trips are quicker. Transit lanes make Muni more reliable, by removing delays that can lead to buses bunching together or cause gaps in service. Transit-only lanes also allow for more efficient service, because a bus that finishes a run sooner can do more runs in a day.
SFMTA needs to continue the success of the temporary transit lane program and quickly install transit-only lanes in a way that creates a useful network to connect all neighborhoods. Quick-build projects and pilot projects can get riders moving who are most impacted by Muni delays and lack of service. When creating the final projects, outreach and input should center transit riders, especially those most dependent on service.
Fund Muni to Improve Service
Many of Muni’s problems stem from chronic underfunding – which means our train system runs on a floppy disk and there isn’t enough money to hire bus drivers.
We need our city leaders to champion funding measures that are progressive, stable, and scaled to the need and urgency to rebuild Muni. We call for funding to support a transit system that encourages transit use with affordable fares and frequent, reliable service. Muni ridership on Rapid routes has increased 22%, despite a nationwide decline in ridership. We need funding for a network of Rapid service that connects all communities with cross-town travel times of 30 minutes or less by 2030. Learn more about our 30×30 vision.
Add your name to take a stand for transit riders!
Sign the petition:
How you can help rebuild Muni

Share the petition
After signing the petition yourself, the best thing you can do is share this page with your friends, family, coworkers, and acquaintances! We all need a excellent transit for a livable, sustainable city. Every person you invite to sign the petition is another person who learns how important it is, and who grows transit riders’ political clout.
Contact us
San Francisco Transit Riders
P.O. Box 193341, San Francisco, CA 94119
© 2018 San Francisco Transit Riders, a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt nonprofit
Tax ID 47-4568771