Ride the Vote
november 5, 2024
Unfortunately, the candidates in this race did not reply to our questionnaire.
See a full list of races and their candidates below.
United States Representative, District 11
Bruce Lou | bruceforcongress.org |
Nancy Pelosi | pelosi.house.gov |
United States Representative, District 15
Anna Cheng Kramer | ackramerforcongress.org |
Kevin Mullin | kevinmullin.house.gov |
State Senate, District 11
Yvette Corkrean | www.yvetteforsenate.org |
Scott Wiener | www.scottwiener.com |
State Assembly, District 17
Matt Haney | www.matthaney.com |
Manuel Noris-Barrera | Facebook Page |
State Assembly, District 19
David Lee | www.davidleeforassembly.com |
Catherine Stefani | www.votecatherinestefani.com |
Community College Board
Aliya Chisti | aliyachisti.com |
Ruth Ferguson | ruthferguson.com |
Ben Kaplan | www.votebenkaplan.com |
Leanna Louie | leannalouie.com |
Heather McCarty | www.heatherforccsf.com |
Julio Ramos | |
Alan Wong | www.votealanwong.com |
Luis Zamora | luiszamoraforsf.com |
BART Board, District 7
Victor Flores | www.victorfloresforbart.com |
Dana Lang | www.danaforbart.com |
BART Board, District 9
Joe Sangirardi | www.joesangirardi.com |
Edward Wright | www.wrightforbart.com |
San Francisco Mayor
London Breed | www.londonformayor.com |
Mark Farrell | www.markfarrell.com |
Henry Flynn | www.mayorflynn.com |
Keith Freedman | mayor.keithfreedman.com |
Dylan Hirsch-shell | www.dylanforsfmayor.com |
Ellen Lee Zhou | mayorellen.com |
Daniel Lurie | daniellurie.com |
Nelson Mei | nelsonmei.com |
Aaron Peskin | www.aaron2024.com |
Paul Robertson | robertsonformayor2024.com |
Ahsha Safaí | www.ahshaformayor.com |
Shahram Shariati | www.sfmayor2025.com |
Jon Soderstrom |
Board of Supervisors, District 1
Jeremiah Boehner | www.jeremiahforsf.com |
Connie Chan | www.conniechansf.com |
Sherman D’silva | |
Jen Nossokoff | www.jennossokoff.com |
Marjan Philhour | www.votemarjan.com |
Board of Supervisors, District 3
Moe Jamil | www.moejamil.com |
Sharon Lai | www.sharonlaisf.com |
Eduard Navarro | www.navarro.vote |
Danny Sauter | www.dannyd3.com |
Matthew Susk | www.votesusk.com |
Wendy Ha Chau | voteforwendy.org |
Board of Supervisors, District 5
Scotty Jacobs | www.scottyd5.org |
Allen Jones | www.d5campaign.com |
Autumn Hope Looijen | www.hope4sf.com |
Bilal Mahmood | www.bilalmahmood.com |
Dean Preston | www.deanprestonsf.com |
Board of Supervisors, District 7
Matt Boschetto | www.matt4supervisor.com |
Stephen Martin-Pinto | www.stephenmartinpinto.com |
Myrna Melgar | www.myrnamelgar.com |
Edward Yee |
Board of Supervisors, District 9
Julian Bermudez | www.votelocalsf.com |
H. Brown | |
Trevor Chandler | www.trevor4sf.com |
Jackie Fielder | www.jackieforsf.com |
Jaime Gutierrez | www.gutierrez2024.com |
Roberto Hernandez | www.roberto4sf.com |
Stephen Torres | www.stephentorressf.com |
Board of Supervisors, District 11
Chyanne Chen | www.chyannechen.com |
Adlah Chisti | www.adlahchisti.com |
Oscar Flores | oscarforsf.com |
Ernest Jones | www.ejforsf.com |
Michael Lai | www.votemichaellai.com |
Roger Marenco | |
Jose Morales | joseforsf.com |
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San Francisco Transit Riders
P.O. Box 193341, San Francisco, CA 94119
© 2018 San Francisco Transit Riders, a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt nonprofit
Tax ID 47-4568771