A broad and growing membership means more clout at City Hall. It means a strong constituency that cares about affordable, efficient, accessible, and easy-to-use transit. It means your voice, and the voice of transit riders across the city, can be heard.
Our work is more important than ever. We face enormous challenges in the coming days, months, and years in the fight for better service as we recover from the pandemic.
Become a member today – or renew your membership! We have a series of fun and informative events to celebrate and strengthen our membership. Your membership now enters you in a raffle for a Central Subway tour. Join us!
Join The Movement
Membership Month Events
Double your impact during Membership Month –
AND be entered to tour Central Subway!
AND get a cool t-shirt!
Your donation will be doubled by generous advocates, including our Board of Directors. After April 30, we will do a drawing for small group tour of the Central Subway to take place in May or June. Donate $25 or more, and we’ll be in touch to get you a t-shirt.

We are working every day to educate, empower, and inspire riders to speak up for the transit service we need. Our work depends on members like you!
Join The Movement
Our Impact
You Too Can Build the Movement!
Everyone can help grow our movement this April by asking people in your network to join San Francisco Transit Riders!
Tell your friends how important it is for a city like San Francisco to have excellent, easy-to-use public transit. Tell them why good public transit is important to you! Let them know the only way to make a difference is to organize and advocate for it – we’ve proven that with all we’ve achieved so far. And of course, remind them that donations are doubled this month, and they could win a spot on our Central Subway tour!
For every new member you bring on board, you get another chance to win a spot on the central subway tour! (Simply have them put your name in the referral field when they sign up.)
Sample Message To Your Friends:
Subject: Support a great organizing working for transit in San Francisco!
Hey Friend,
I wanted to write you to encourage you to become a member of San Francisco Transit Riders, an organization I’ve been involved with since _______.
They’re a grassroots non-profit here in San Francisco that does really great work to advocate for better, more reliable, affordable Muni service.
Improving transit in San Francisco is an issue I care about a lot because _____________________.
SFTR is doing a big membership push right now, and all donations in April are doubled, so I wanted to encourage you to join at sftransitriders.org/membership-month.
Thanks and hope to catch up soon,
Join us for special Membership Month Events.
Membership Summit
Wednesday, April 14
5:30 – 7:00pm
Telling the Story of Self, Us and Now
Thursday, April 22
5:30 – 7:00pm
Member & Board Happy Hour
Wednesday, April 28
5:30 – 6:30pm
Contact us
San Francisco Transit Riders
P.O. Box 193341, San Francisco, CA 94119
© 2018 San Francisco Transit Riders, a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt nonprofit
Tax ID 47-4568771