Transit Month Kick-Off!
Help us launch our 2021 Transit Month with a blast! Visit us at our Transit Hubs across the city to get your transit gifts, share pictures of riding transit, and start logging your rides for our #TransitRideContest!
Help us launch our 2021 Transit Month with a blast! Visit us at our Transit Hubs across the city to get your transit gifts, share pictures of riding transit, and start logging your rides for our #TransitRideContest!
Speak up for transit-only lanes on 4th Street Bridge, to speed up the T Third!
Join us at locations around the city to ride Muni with our District Supervisors and other city leaders!
Join other transit riders, advocates, and elected officials for an East Bay kick-off event to celebrate Transit Month 2021! Riders, advocates and elected officials will be speaking about the importance of service restoration and transit priority. Masks will be required for this event in Latham Square, Oakland, one block from 12th St. Oakland City Center BART Station (14th St. exit).
Come learn about the importance of transit in our community and the state of transit in the pandemic at this online workshop hosted by Voices for Public Transportation.
Hear directly from Director of Transportation Jeff Tumlin and Senior Transit Planner Sean Kennedy about the three possible paths forward for Muni in 2022, given all the budget constraints the agency faces: a high-frequency network that would sacrifice some parallel service; a return to the pre-pandemic map; or a hybrid of the two.
Join Seamless Bay Area for a conversation with transit and urban planning expert Christof Spieler about how Bay Area transit compares with the systems of other North American regions.
Join us for a panel discussion on innovative approaches to transit safety in the Bay Area, and how safety must center the diverse experiences and needs of the people riding transit.
Paint transit lanes, remove transfer penalties, and strategically build job and housing centers to create the Bay Area transit network of your dreams!
Back in 2020, after all our work to win an extraordinary transit funding victory, we couldn't celebrate in person. Now that the vast majority of people are vaccinated, we can meet and celebrate!
Transportation contributes 45% of all emissions in San Francisco but only 0.1% comes from Muni, which served over 700,000 daily trips before the pandemic. Join us for a panel discussion on San Francisco's climate goals and the essential role of public transportation in meeting them.
Join San Francisco Transit Riders, Seamless Bay Area, and East Bay Transit Riders for an *in person* *outdoors* *vaccinated* celebration of public transit!