Safe Routes to School

Take transit to school!

Transit Trivia!

Earn prizes when you reply to the trivia question of the week! Click the link below! 

Thank you all who participated, trivia is on hold for now. Stay tuned for updates!

Safe Routes to School


Safe Routes To School (SRTS) was created to help make walking and bicycling to school safer and more accessible for children, including those with disabilities, and to increase the number of children who choose to walk, bicycle, take public transit, or ride in parental carpools. On a broader level, SRTS programs strive to enhance children’s health and well-being, and improve the daily life of all members of our community. For more information visit:

 Additional Resources

SFMTA – Free Muni for Youth Program  Available to all youth 18 years and younger, regardless of household income level and residency. No application or proof of payment/Clipper card is required to ride Muni vehicles, with the exception of Cable Cars. Simply get on and ride.

SFMTA – Lifeline Pass  The Lifeline Pass is a Muni-only monthly pass for customers on a limited income. Lifeline customers get unlimited access to Muni service, including cable cars, for a calendar month.

Muni Transit Assistance Program (MTAP)  MTAP is responsible for reducing youth violence and other disruptive behaviors on the San Francisco transportation system.

SFMTA’s Youth Transportation Advisory Board (YTAB) YTAB provides opportunities for San Francisco youth to foster their personal and professional development, with access to information and a forum to develop the skills and experience required to advocate for themselves and their communities. 

Free Muni for Seniors (ages 65+)  This program provides low and moderate income seniors residing in San Francisco free access to Muni services, including cable cars, when using a Clipper card.

Free Muni for People with Disabilities This program provides low and moderate income people with qualifying disabilities residing in San Francisco free access to Muni services, including cable cars, when using a Clipper card. 

Contact us

San Francisco Transit Riders

P.O. Box 193341, San Francisco, CA 94119

© 2018 San Francisco Transit Riders, a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt nonprofit

Tax ID 47-4568771